Sunday, May 16, 2010


FACT #2: Prescribed burns are healthy for the environment. Approximately 150 days after a prescribed burn, evidence of fire has disappeared. The native plants grow more vigorously and are healthier than before while the fuel load of dead branches and fronds, leaves and needles, and shrubby exotic plants are gone.

To be honest, I wasn't expecting to have such a wonderful time at the Corkscrew Sanctuary Swamp. I'm not exactly the "outdoorsy type". Don't get me wrong, I like to be outside and enjoy camping, but the wilderness, well, that's a completely different story. Growing up in a big city didn't really allow much exposure to nature and all I've really imagined the outdoors being is full of bugs and miscellaneous creatures that could eat me. Not exactly my idea of a good time, but our most recent field trip completely changed my outlook on the great outdoors!

On our field trip, I took a lot of pictures! From my pictures, I was able to find specifics on the Corkscrew Swamp website concerning the wildlife we saw.

One of my favorite pictures was this one I took of an American Alligator or Alligator Mississippiensis

According to the information on the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary website, judging by the small(er) size and dark color of this alligator, it is most likely a female.

At first, I was a little nervous when we spotted this gator, but as I became more confident with the protection of the boardwalk, I also became more comfortable, thus granting me the ability to enjoy the sights! Since I didn't grow up in Florida, seeing alligators in their natural habitat is still really exciting to me and I couldn't wait to tell all of my friends. Up until our alligator sighting, I was wishing we were in the water more, but after we saw our "little" friend, I couldn't have been more thankful for the boardwalk! :)

It was really relaxing out at the swamp and a nice break from the usual classroom setting and daily grind. Though I have lived in Florida for a few years now, I have I never had the opportunity to explore all of the great things SW Florida has to offer until now. Since visiting the swamp, I haven't stopped talking about it and can't wait to go on our next trip!

Seeing the alligator was really exciting, but getting to touch and hold a Red Rat Snake or Elaphe Guttata Guttata in the wild was definitely an experience I don't have everyday, especially not in class! We decided as a class that we would name the snake Walter and he would be our class pet. Hot dog!

A classmate offered to take a picture of me with Professor Wilkinson and Walter!

Way to go, Walter! :)

[*Speaking of snakes, I got to take my dog to the Bonita dog beach this weekend and we saw a water moccasin! Kind of scary, but we stayed far away and it was neat to see!*]

Going to the swamp was definitely an experience that made me really proud and thankful to go to college in Florida!



I have decided to start each of my journals with an interesting fact applicable to my journal topic!

Fact #1
: At least 30 species of birds the Audubon Society says are potentially threatened by the BP oil spill. These include marsh birds, ocean-dwelling birds and migratory songbirds. All reside in 'Important Bird Areas,' according to Audubon, designated because of their "essential habitat value." Among the most vulnerable species is the brown pelican -- the state bird of Louisiana -- which was only recently removed from the endangered species list. The spill is especially devastating for bird populations because it coincides with the beginning of breeding season. (Source: Audubon Society) [I thought this fact was particularly interesting due to our most recent field trip and class concerning the Audubon Society.]

After our class discussion on the first day, I decided something that really interested me was the recent BP oil spill. Though I have heard much about this catastrophe on the news, I did not have a full understanding of the impact an oil spill of this magnitude has on the world. On the Australian Maritime Safety Authority website, there is a list of many of the effects of oil on wildlife. I learned that though all oil spills are detrimental to wildlife and our ecosystem, there are many different types of oil spills and many varying factors. These factors include but are not limited to:
  • the type of oil spilled,
  • the location of the spill,
  • the species of wildlife in the area,
  • the timing of breeding cycles and seasonal migrations,
  • and even the weather at sea during the oil spill.
I was also very surprised and saddened when reading about the many effects of oil on animals regarding their eating regiments. Though there are many issues with oil spills, some of the most prominent issues concerning marine life and their babies are:
  • marine mammals lose body weight when they can not feed due to contamination of their environment by oil
  • birds become dehydrated and can starve as they give up or reduce drinking, diving and swimming to look for food
  • inflammation or infection in dugongs and difficulty eating due to oil sticking to the sensory hairs around their mouths
  • disguise of scent that seal pups and mothers rely on to identify each other, leading to rejection, abandonment and starvation of seal pups
  • damage to the insides of animals and birds bodies, for example by causing ulcers or bleeding in their stomachs if they ingest the oil by accident.
Leading oil producers still continue to carry-on, business as usual, though they are well aware of the harmful effects of their products on marine life. Unfortunately, BP has tried to remove the oil but has been unsuccessful due to poorly investigated factors such as the temperature of the water. I am a Senator for the College of Arts and Science at FGCU and we have been working with the Director of Environmental Initiatives, Tyler Offerman, to help collect hair and nylons to help absorb the oil. At this point, anything is helpful. I wish I could say I felt like this would be a wake-up call for the leaders of oil companies, but sadly as history repeats itself yet again, it's not looking promising. All we have left is hope.
I found two interesting pictures:

First, BP workers in protective suits attempt to clean up the spill...

Secondly, a picture of a bird suffering from the spill...

...too bad BP never gave this bird a protective suit.