Sunday, May 23, 2010


FACT #4: ECHO originally stood for "Educational Concerns for Haiti Organization" but as ECHO grew, their vision did too. ECHO became Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization under the direction of Dr. Martin Price because he believed that ECHO could multiply the organization's efforts several times by locating in the U.S. and offering agricultural services to people all over the world. [source: ECHO]

On our trip to ECHO Global Farm, I had the opportunity to learn so much about alternative ways of living! Before traveling to ECHO, I had no idea that plants and vegetables didn't need soil to grow. We got to see all sorts of plants being grown in tires using pea pebbles, household rugs, corn cobs, soda cans and plastic bottles.

In the garden, lettuce was being grown with rugs, corncobs and soda cans.
The buckets in the corners hold vital nutrients and promote the growth of the plants!
I really enjoyed getting to see all of the alternative lifestyles for people in third world countries! It was definitely a harsh reality check to see some of the things that other people have to go through to have luxuries that we come by so easily. I couldn't imagine having to use a barrel of manure to cook a meal for my family, or harvest and maintain my own crops! We complain too often about trivial things in life such as trips to the grocery store or having to stop and get gas, when in reality, these everyday tasks for us would be great benefits to people on the other side of the world.

Something else that was really neat was the rice pond:

In the above pond alone, over 80lbs of rice can be produced which can double the average salary for a family!

Though I enjoyed the above stated items, the most amazing thing to me was the moringa powder. I couldn't believe that a plant could fully purify the most contaminated water and cure some of the most devastating illnesses! According to, "Ounce for ounce, moringa contains seven times the Vitamin C found in oranges, four times the beta carotene of carrots, three times the iron of spinach, four times as much calcium as milk and three times the potassium of bananas. Moringa also contains all 8 essential amino acids and is rich in flavonoids, including Quercetin, Kaempferol, Beta-Sitosterol, Caffeoylquinic acid and Zeatin.

Some of the possible health benefits of the Moringa Leaf:

* Boosts the natural defenses of the body.
* Nourishes the brain and eyes.
* Helps regulate a healthy metabolism.
* Promotes healthy cell structure.
* Promotes healthy cholesterol levels.
* Supports healthy function of the liver and the kidneys.
* Beautifies the skin.
* Increases energy.
* Aids in proper digestion.
* Contains powerful antioxidants that reduce the risk of tumors and the effects of aging.
* Possesses strong anti-inflammatory properties.
* Promotes a healthy circulatory system.
* Supports the normal sugar levels.
* Helps detoxify the body
* Effective against nervous system disorders including normal and migraine headaches.
* Gives a feeling of general wellness.

Moringa is sometimes referred to as the "Miracle Tree" because all parts of the plant are edible and medicinal. It can also thrive in tough climates and poor soil. It's combination of high nutrition, sustainability and hardiness has caused it to be promoted widely in Africa to help fight hunger, malnutrition, and disease."

ECHO is an amazing place full of the most passionate and selfless people I have ever met. I learned a lot and I hope to be able to travel more in the future and help others!

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